Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drug Slang

Slang is a culture movement along with hip hop and graffiti that since the 20th century did not begin to boom. Since slang originated from small social groups not wanting the larger powerful social groups to understand conversations, one can only imagine how slang is commonly used in the illegal drug industry.  Terms are used to not only hide the names of the drugs themselves but they are also used for weight or amount, and even locations.  There are plenty of slang terms used on the streets for Marijuana, Crack, Heroin, and a number of different Opiates. Some include; pot, snow, smack, and bars. These terms are the most commonly used amongst the hundreds more that have evolved throughout the years that have passed. Words are evolving daily because of the law legal enforcement catching up with the terms and being able to spot certain meanings, hence changing the slang in a dramatic way, because they are able to decode their vocabulary.
    Since drug slang is constantly changing it is considered to be one of the most effective ways to stay undetected, keeping legal enforcement on their toes at all times during their search. This contained and constantly changing system, unlike other types of slang like regional, internet, or even cultural, makes drug slang the type that has the widest vocabulary and most diverse usage throughout the world.  It can also spread across varying age groups and socioeconomic groups, as drug usage is not specifically restricted to one specific set of people. This makes drug slang the most widespread and diverse type of slang not only in the U.S., but the entire world.http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZHeNM5XbgK6CT_2xOjrVglowBZD1dF-dhHoJ1Ft8MnM7whKm4

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